I’m telling you as a living #WarSurvivor from #USWarOnVietnam that if you’d asked our family about how we felt about Western/GlobalNorth politics - we’d have said that we don’t give a shit about who you see as your political champion unless that person will stop carpet bombing, stop bio warfare attacks, stop mass murdering our families - as long as your government stops bombing/shooting/mass murdering us all. I have never forgiven #USGOVERNMENT for that. That #terrorist government has refused to do full reparations & still denying damages of #AgentOrange alone - which is still affecting survivors & their babies, several generations later.

What USA is doing with their blatant complicity with Israel is just growing a lot more hatred for USA, globally. The US will be experiencing both increased domestic & foreign attacks because people everywhere are fucking fed up. #USgov ignited their own demise, globally. It’s both GOP & weakass liberal Democrats that led us here - it started decades back with voluntary neoliberal government slopes to outright USA fascism.

#FuckTheUSA #AsianMastodon #TootSEA #SouthEastAsian
