Are you not even trying to understand how toxic masculinity has forced men to shut up and swallow their feelings, has prevented them from pursuing passions for being “too girly”/not lucrative enough to provide for their family? How its pushed “strongman” narratives, and anything less than that is seen as “weaker/less than”? You cant see how male rape/abuse victims are treated differently than female rape/abuse victims?
Like, if you really cant open your eyes to how that may really affect someones mental health/quality of life, then I think you should do some work on learning empathy.
The 25 year old dude working at the gas station is not the reason the patriarchy is an issue. He’s struggling along with the rest of us, and we’re telling him he has nothing to complain about and has it easier. Thats not okay.
Deleted prior comment because the comment didnt add to the conversation and I got lost in my own spiral.
But Squid, I think its admirable to put your daughter first. Everyone with half a brain knows that decisions like this, uprooting an established family and everything you know, isnt made lightly/on a whim. You’re showing your support of her well-being, and every time you talk about her on here, you come off as such a loving parent. We should all be so lucky. And, youve talked about having chronic illness before and it sounds like youre headed to a place with socialized health care. I wish you and yours all the luck in the world.
As for my husband and I, we’re childfree by choice, so we’re the best kinda people to stay behind. The kind who can weigh decisions against our own well being and decide what we can/cant handle exposing ourselves to without mixing up a child in this mess.
Fuckin’ not staying in Texas tho.