CNN is a trash ‘news’ company and nothing from them should be taken even remotely seriously.
I mean, the geopolitical ramifications of Ukraine falling to Russia are horrific so cutting military aid is a really bad move. It would further embolden Russia to continue its neo-colonialist pursuits of former Baltic states and justify Putin’s aggression.
On the other hand, I get that Americans living in poverty think they’d rather the US spend it on aid for them (never happen) and the Republicans are Russian allies so that answers that.
New Fox News Aspirant’s totally-not-biased poll reports something that Vladimir Putin would approve of. Film at 11.
Anderson Cooper told me I within my rights to do so, so I took him at his word: Haven’t clicked a single CNN link or watched/listened to CNN since the Trump town hall.
Big Chamberland energy here
Except that Chamberlain had the excuse that Britain was not ready for war in 1938 and there’s a legitimate question of whether they could have stopped Hitler if they tried. So the US ending aid to Ukraine would actually be a much worse decision than that.
Yeah, this was posted a couple of days ago, and it was discovered that the pollster is a C+ rated one, the poll was done by mail, and some other fucky shit was going on.
I know I do and pretty much most sane people you’ll talk to don’t care at all about this conflict and never did