Usually their hot topics are bitching about housing and simping for TOP but these days I’ve noticed a lot more posts to the extent of “labour sucks and now I have no choice but to vote for national >:(”. Unsure if this reflects a general change in sentiment or if certain parties are spending their excess donations on buying out accounts. Worth mentioning I’ve noticed inflammatory topics posted by accounts that have been dead for years.

    1 year ago

    I’m not a big political poster, but I’ve noticed the sub has gotten a lot worse. It’s interesting to click on profiles and see the crossover of posters that are active in ConservativeKiwi, or brand new accounts posting inflammatory posts.

    I do think there is a general frustration with Labour growing, however change for the sake of change isn’t a good way to vote in my opinion. The whole right vs. left divisiveness is toxic in my view and we can see how it’s negatively affecting other countries like the US. In saying that, I can’t help but feel a National government will set this country back. Nothing they’ve proposed has struck me as for the benefit of all of NZ society. Labour is not perfect either, but I prefer a more socially progressive government than a conservative one.

      1 year ago

      You’re right about the subreddit getting worse, although there’s never been a point in time where it hasn’t been a shithole, at least not recently.

      The moderators also showed their colours with all the deleted posts RE Marama Davidson, before they realised they couldn’t bury it any more. A lot of people were absolutely pissed after that.

        1 year ago

        I’m kind of undecided about them, but I definitely don’t envy them. You’re bound to piss someone off no matter what you do moderating that sub. There seems to be some that think they shouldn’t moderate at all and let upvotes/downvotes decide, but I think this would ultimately make the sub even worse. It’s just too easy now for bots/trolls/brigading and general bad faith posting to happen.