If I could have one wish for the new year, it would be for Britain’s criminal justice system to be reformed in a way that would ensure the arrest, prosecution and conviction of every single rapist in the country. I do not mean, of course, any man accused of rape, but every man who has actually committed rape.

One of the most prevalent and persuasive myths about rape and sexual assault is that a large number of allegations are false and men who have been publicly accused of rape but could not be convicted in a court of law are the victims of grave miscarriages of justice.

  • ArbiterXero@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hah, the personal insult.

    No, I’ve just lived long enough to see through some of the narratives people push.

    As I said, I’m open to the idea that I may be wrong, I can’t really know for sure, and I haven’t seen anything terribly convincing in either direction.

    Have a nice day.