Tesla has filed a lawsuit against the Swedish government's Transport Agency over a workers' strike that has blocked the U.S. auto maker's requests for license plates for new vehicles, business daily Dagens Industri reported on Monday.
No, we don’t. These workers’ rights aren’t enshrined in law. They are bargained for in collective agreements between the unions and the companies. Hence, when a company like Tesla comes in and refuses to sign a collective agreement, it is a problem not only to the Tesla workers, but to the industry as a whole, as it threatens the whole collective model that Swedish industry is based on. If that unravels, then the government might have to come in with a heavier hand and interfer.
No, we don’t. These workers’ rights aren’t enshrined in law. They are bargained for in collective agreements between the unions and the companies. Hence, when a company like Tesla comes in and refuses to sign a collective agreement, it is a problem not only to the Tesla workers, but to the industry as a whole, as it threatens the whole collective model that Swedish industry is based on. If that unravels, then the government might have to come in with a heavier hand and interfer.