The specs are so misleading. Every single one of them on the web page you posted has an asterisk.
The worst is the bed length. “Up to 5ft 11in” - The associated image shows an item diagonally. So, it will fit a 5ft 11in" small diameter pipe diagonally.
From the dawn of time, a pickup truck bed length has been measured front to back, not diagonally!
The specs are so misleading. Every single one of them on the web page you posted has an asterisk.
The worst is the bed length. “Up to 5ft 11in” - The associated image shows an item diagonally. So, it will fit a 5ft 11in" small diameter pipe diagonally.
From the dawn of time, a pickup truck bed length has been measured front to back, not diagonally!
No. The bed is actually 5’11” in length. Not diagonal.