Went on business travel to CA this month and decided to try driving a Tesla to see what it was like. Big mistake… coming home to my civic is painful. Coworkers told me a lot of my gripes like lack of buttons wear off after a month or so. I was already all in on electric for when my car eventually died but god, idk how long I will be able to stay ICE. Anyone else have similar experiences on test drives?

  • Toastybunzz@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It really is a game changer, much like standard active cruise control was when that became widely introduced. Remember the old days of having to adjust the speed with the button or turning it off every time you came up on another car?

    Last long trip was 11 hours and I did it myself and got there with no fatigue. The other times in gas cars I would do 5-6 hours and have to swap with my wife because I was so tired. Even just the micro managing constantly of lane corrections really uses a lot of energy.

    • jmcdono362@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Yep I sure do remember those days. Don’t miss them at all!

      Last winter I drove my Model S from Boston to Tampa. 90% of the drive was on Autopilot. I arrived in 2 days feeling refreshed. I stopped every 3 hours for 30-40 minutes for charge/rest too.