We all stumble. We don’t always have someone to talk to about it, so there’s this thread. What went wrong and can you ever forgive yourself? Probably not, if you’re like me. No judgment.
We all stumble. We don’t always have someone to talk to about it, so there’s this thread. What went wrong and can you ever forgive yourself? Probably not, if you’re like me. No judgment.
Parenting is the hardest, most constantly demanding job in the world. There’s no manual and as much as we try, we’re only human; mistakes are going to happen.
Right now, I’m having a difficult time adjusting to my eldests (5.5) new found attitude. I’ve always been the more patient parent, but since the birth of my son an awful lot of that patience has evaporated into thin air.
If there’s something I need to work on then it’s that.
That can be really tough, because the kid doesn’t know what they’re saying, and they don’t have the empathy/awareness to see the effect it has.
Something that’s worked for me is to ask them what they’re doing. “Are you being mean to me?” “Are you trying to hurt my feelings?” My guys don’t really respond to complex questions, so I keep it to yes/no.
I hope it works out for you.
Sounds like when I hit emotional burnout a year or so ago. The last few years have been a lot. I’m trying to heal and come through it more mindful and caring. I guess time will tell, right?
Don’t get too down in yourself. If we try to make improvements each day then I think we’re on the right track.