Rep. Paul Gosar said that the “homosexual-promoting” general “would be hung” in a better society.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called for the execution of General Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a homophobic tirade this weekend.

In his newsletter this weekend – published to his Congressional website – Gosar accused Milley of being a “homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist” who delayed the military’s response to the January 6 riot. An election denier, Gosar has in the past claimed that he “started the revolution,” referring to the insurrection.

    1 year ago

    I like the Australian system better. It ain’t perfect, but it is better imo. Regardless, dragging the conservatives kicking and screaming into modernity, much less the future, has thus far proven to be a mixed bag at best. The fact that they’re currently backsliding is hard as they possibly can isn’t helping.