I made another comment very proudly saying the wrong name. There are so many random alien species that don’t end up mattering that I got them all confused.
You’re talking about, I think, the Overlookers. The ones who spied on the Doctors dreams, right? They were part of the Hierarchy
No, those were the (culturally) Predator type dudes that once captured Voyager and forced them into WW2 sims playing as the Nazis.
The aliens I am referring to only appeared in 2 episodes, iirc.
I made another comment very proudly saying the wrong name. There are so many random alien species that don’t end up mattering that I got them all confused.
You’re talking about, I think, the Overlookers. The ones who spied on the Doctors dreams, right? They were part of the Hierarchy
Yes! That’s them. I thought they were pretty cool. And cute. :3
Glad to help!
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