Absolutely not. We need to have decency in war whenever possible eg not targeting children
The war part usually isnt meant a literal war against nations. At least i haven’t heard it that way
No. That’s what laws are for. And I hope that the current struggles will lead to more laws to be enforced in war in the future.
Let me phrase it this way: If someone I was dating said this to me, I would run as fast as I can. And my first concern wouldn’t be that they might commit a war crime somewhere.
To be honest I was mostly curious about the love part. Obviously then Geneva convention exists but I’ve never been a fan of the, “I like the hunt” types.
In love, no absolutely not. That sounds like a justification for rape, spousal abuse, stalking, harassment, cheating, and other kinds of shitty behavior where it is neither expected nor wanted.
In war, yes. I think that war is one of the most horrific things one nation can perpetrate on another and should be exactly that… If your goal, as a nation, is anything less than the genocide of your target nation’s people, the salting of their land, and the complete eradication of their culture, then your issues can and should be solved diplomatically.
And if that is your goal, fuckin’ do it.
I think that phrase is meant in the figurative “war” not the literal nations going to war
That makes more sense. So, personal conflict rather than national conflict?
In my present state of moderate intoxication, I’d say something similar to my above point, but with the opposite statement regarding fairness. If you are unable to resolve your differences via civil discussion, then settle it with a duel with strict rules as follows.
The rules of which should be:
the field should be cleared of bystanders, excepting an impartial referee
The only weapons permitted should be flintlock, smooth bore pistols
Shooting should occur at high noon (or whatever time would give both parties equal visual impairment due to the sun)
Parties should stand twenty paces apart
Parties should fire one round each and then move an additional ten paces apart
Repeat step 4 until at least one party is dead
As blink-182 said in Lemmings: “All’s fair in love and war, until you say it isn’t, but you’re wrong.”
No. Pretty sure the origin of that quote is a Shakespeare villain.
It certainly doesn’t make murder acceptable.