Him not puckering out is bad for Ukraine. His alliance with us was tenuous at best after Trump got in office, but now he’s risking to lose it completely just because he’s a bad negotiator. There were so many opportunities to do this better even without saying to much. He’s just a bad politician. Lacking experience. His mistake was to speak in English too. Totally avoidable.
Him not puckering out is bad for Ukraine. His alliance with us was tenuous at best after Trump got in office, but now he’s risking to lose it completely just because he’s a bad negotiator. There were so many opportunities to do this better even without saying to much. He’s just a bad politician. Lacking experience. His mistake was to speak in English too. Totally avoidable.
So bad, that’s why Europe and Canada are reacting in a positive way due to the outcome of trumps little temper tantrum. Uhuh.
This means nothing
Increasing support for Ukraine and distancing from the US means nothing? Interesting take.
You’re just a bad ruzzian. No one is buying your bullshit.
I’m American my friend. The truth is hard to accept. I understand.
Is that why you continue to spread bullshit lies that only serve your fuhrer?