It’s cute that we think courts are going to save us. The republicans on the SCOTUS includes sexual assaulters, a drunkard with no memory, a judge who will bend to a knee if you take him and his ugly-ass wife on trips, and a stack of federal judges hired and supported by maga.
It’s done. The third term announcement will drop any day now.
Also, the courts have no enforcement arm. They can issue injunctions all they want. It’s up to the executive branch to enforce the rulings. If the executive branch just says “nah” there’s not much the courts can do except issue another ruling. Even if the court imposed a fine, who’s going to collect it? If they issue a warrant, who’s going to execute it?
Checks and balances where you at?
Its a work of fiction. We made it up. Its false. This one is a lie. Its a total fabrication. Not this time. No way.
Conservatives spent the last forty years filling the judicial benches with their people. This is the culmanation of a long game.
inb4 checks and balances is DEI
See that bloody wrecked mass in the corner?
Hehe, gottem
Trump violated a court order
and who is going to do anything about it? a pig? the democrats?
Surely the parliamentarian will stop this.
oh ok
w o w
He’s just about to resign over this.
And big fat nothing will happen. He thinks he’s above the law and courts and law enforcement seems to do fuck all.
He is above the law. How many other convicted felons receive no penalty?
Again? Shocker.
I’d like to see ol’ Donny Trump wriggle his way out of this jam.
So did Hitler when he was seizing power.