After seeing articles about this I checked my cat’s microchip on no registration info comes back. Savethislife was a major pet registry in the US.
After seeing articles about this I checked my cat’s microchip on no registration info comes back. Savethislife was a major pet registry in the US.
My service dog is registered incorrectly and the company that provided the microchip won’t respond to me for anything to help me with it
Right now she’s registered to a person that never existed in a state she’s never been too
So like I’m fucked if she’s lost
All you need is the serial # and you can register the chip yourself. That way if someone does run the #, your info will show up too. If you don’t have the #, any vet should be able to scan them and give it to you. Or you can buy your own scanner fairly cheap. I bought a $20 ebay one to scan animals that wander up to my work/home.
I don’t know what companies are reputable, but the article lists AKC Reunite, PetLink, and 24PetWatch.
I have already done it and sense my dog was chipped before I got her, there’s no. way to change it, I have her number and it’s one of the popular ones but regardless of what I do. On there website it won’t work and I contacted them several several times last couple years and no response on anything.
I hate these companies so much tbh