Pedro, of course
Probably still, Sanders? He’s getting pretty old, though, so maybe AOC would be a better choice.
Yeah I feel like this is the real answer. Maybe sanders could run with AOC as vice president and then step down if his age starts being a problem and let her take over
Bernie Sanders 2025!!!
even if convicted of felony, we know now is not an impediment
fewer felonies than the current president
How is Luigi? Has anyone heard anything from him recently?
They stopped talking about him once they realised how many people were on his side.
Sometimes I wonder if he would actually be a good choice, considering he doesn’t have a history in politics. And then I remember how Trump just kinda decided he was gonna be president with no political background.
This circlejerk needs to go home. Oh yeah, Lemmy is your home. Y’all thirsty.
AOC hands down.
Paw Patrol. They seem to have a handle on things. How many shitty human presidents have we had? How many shitty dog presidents? I rest my case.
Like every other episode involves some train crash or other perfectly avoidable catastrophe. Granted, that’s maybe their nepo mayors fault (her grandpa was mayor back in the day) but they’re still very complicit.
(My daughter is 2, these thoughts are all I have to get me through watching it with her)
Let’s make finnster president just because it would be funny and the conservatives’ heads would explode. Is she a qualified? No. Is she american? No. Would she even want to be president? Probably not. Would she still be a million times better than the current president? Definitely
POTUS? Nobody. No single person should hold a position with such power.
No single person
High 5 maybe?
The AI from the movie I, Robot. The one that Will Smith destroys. The one that wanted to protect everyone from ourselves.
I think you’re thinking of VIKI from I, Robot.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence was the movie where Haley Joel Osment was a robot kid.
You’re right. Corrected.
Security breach.
Maybe even Skynet at this point…
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You may be in luck!
Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman as vice.
If we’re talking about real life people, Bernie.
Otherwise, Papyrus from Undertale. I don’t think he has a bad bone in his body!
What’s your first policy?
Honoring treaties and acknowledging indigenous sovereignty. After which I would resign after signing an executive order declaring the US an illegal entity.
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make prostitution free
I hope you get banned for being a fucking creep you gross fuck
You sound just like they do
Me, assuming I have unlimited power to do as I please. I would be assassinated inside of a month, but it would be a wild month. The only president with more executive orders than me would be the person who comes after and undoes all the shit I did.
Honestly a president that was just crazy but not like evil would be so funny. Paint the whitehouse pink, make the navy wear tophats, replace the $5 bill with a $6 bill, change the national anthem to never gonna give you up
Make every doorhandle in the white house a penis.
Oh, there would be a lot of nonsense as chaff, but that isn’t what would get me killed.
Busey/Spears 2028!
President of?
May get fun replies
Bernie, because i think he would be really really good at training his VP AOC to be president after him