if I were a spy in any authoritarian country I’d probably take it immediately before Trump just starts outing them again and getting them killed.
Yeah. We can quibble over the moral dimension of public servants getting out vs staying in to try and stop the coming insanity, but any HUMINT asset on assignment outside of friendly first-world nations would be stupid not to take early retirement ASAP. Even if Trump doesn’t burn them like he did to so many last time around, there’s a drug-addled oligarch in debt to several foreign countries who’s leading a squad of college-age numpties from department to department on a mission to extract all their confidential data and put it on unsecured servers for nebulous ends. Somebody’s gonna leak or lose or sell their names, guaranteed.
That seems about as smart as the “de-Baathification” of Iraq: it instantly creates a class of alienated ex-officials with an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the state, who now find their interests aligned with the opponents of the new regime.
The new regime could use some knowledgeable enemies though, no? 🥹
I don’t think anyone has accused these fuckers of having an overabundance of schooling.
Maybe that’s the point. Removing all of the institutional knowledge from the CIA would be a pretty big blow to trump.
Remember when the biggest security violation were crates of classified material in a mansion’s bathroom?
The good old days.
They swore an oath to the constitution, not trump
mmm yeah the CIA, an organization renowned for following the constitution lol.
That means Musk has the identities of every CIA employee
Hey look. Another Hitler-ish move.
Will the new enemy of the USA be the people?
This is one of those where you can’t tell if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. 🤔
A fascist moving to take control over every branch of the US government is not a good thing.
Especially not something as powerful and far-reaching like the CIA.
The only silver lining I can see here is that Trump would fill the CIA with incompetence and it would kneecap their effectiveness.
There are lots of good reasons to get rid of the CIA. They aren’t outweighed by the fact that Russia, China and other world powers have their own foreign intelligence services and without a CIA to do anything about them, Americans are well and truly fucked. Fucking Mongolia could infiltrate the U.S. without a foreign intelligence service.
You will not find me praising the CIA any more than you will find me praising the FSB. But the FSB will still be there if the CIA is gone and they will see that as a big opportunity.
As with most things, it’s not a black-and-white issue.
Trump shouldn’t be worried about Mexicans crossing his wall, he should be worried about the Mongolians! They’ve got horse archers 🐎 🏹
I’m thinking Mongolian rule would be an improvement
Putin will be very very pleased.
That seems counterproductive, but what do I know. Fascists gonna fascism.