I was surprised to find that there are a ton of symbols that have sought to become the standard notation of sarcasm in text. I think we should really adopt one of those that are far more elegant than the “/s.” /s Looks ugly as fuck.
no (yes), i prefer no sarcasm marker ideally, but if you have to, i prefer /s over some others (i dont like /jk or lol). If you can’t tell sarcasm from not sarcasm, you really should not be using internet.
Poe’s law friend. There are people who honestly believe the earth is flat. There is an elected government official who has made public claims about Jewish Space Lasers.
We live in the dumbest timeline, no matter how stupid or insane a comment is there is someone who legitimately believes it.
i don’t know how the /s in the middle looks, if you just want it to appear verbatim, use the code mode /s, to use it, wrap whatever you want to keep verbatim between pair of 3 back ticks ```hello```
I was surprised to find that there are a ton of symbols that have sought to become the standard notation of sarcasm in text. I think we should really adopt one of those that are far more elegant than the “/s.” /s Looks ugly as fuck.
i like /s
I’m going to assume that is sarcastic.
no (yes), i prefer no sarcasm marker ideally, but if you have to, i prefer /s over some others (i dont like /jk or lol). If you can’t tell sarcasm from not sarcasm, you really should not be using internet.
Poe’s law friend. There are people who honestly believe the earth is flat. There is an elected government official who has made public claims about Jewish Space Lasers.
We live in the dumbest timeline, no matter how stupid or insane a comment is there is someone who legitimately believes it.
for those who did not get it, this statement was sarcastic and written without /s
But your comment has /s? We should define some escape prevention characters to prevent confusion when using /s /s
i don’t know how the /s in the middle looks, if you just want it to appear verbatim, use the code mode
, to use it, wrap whatever you want to keep verbatim between pair of 3 back ticks ```hello```how about this:
i’m being sarcastic
We just need a cartoonified “/s”, as an emoji
look at a physical keyboard and show me any of those symbols.