Unnecessary and deeply concerning bow to the new “king”
Honestly I’ll still be using Proton and recommending it because it’s just good and a net benefit for everyone, but goddammit Andy you should’ve taken Swiss neutrality to heart this time and not said anything.
Honestly, building a mail server isn’t that hard if you aren’t afraid of the command line.
Been using their paid service for months. I have so many aliases. I’m just surprised. Surely this company knows its biggest user base has to be too educated to let this slide.
Too bad, I was considering their service when my VPN service ran out. Not excluding them outright, but will have to keep a eye on it.
Fox and Roku, everyone’s two favourite small companies!
He went after big tech as a punishment for fact checking the bullshit coming from his administration and his followers. That was it.
Now that all big tech has turned away from democrats (probably as punishment for their antitrust lawsuits), we will see a much different perspective from the Trump administration.
Why can’t we have nice things?
Fuck me, I now feel like a clown for taking advantage of that lifetime subscription I bought a couple of months back.
well this makes me slightly less fomo’d after going for tuta and mullvad- but i’m probably jinxing it rn ;-;
Is he right about the start of the anti-trust action ?
People somehow still surprised by Switzerland being neutral on Naziism
Damn, this sucks. I fled Google for Proton and use it for email, files, and my own domain email.
I wonder what is the percentage of nuts tech ceos.
Seems to be abnormally high
the ruling class will always support each other to protect their own class interests. they have what we lack - class solidarity. the only path forwards, which is the path of our own liberation, is uniting the proletariat and transitioning away from capitalism.
Rich people tend not be good people in general
Good or bad, sane or nuts, at a certain point you just end up being utterly out of touch with daily reality.
Once you start getting real money, you start noticing how much is going to taxes.
Even though the net income is more money than you’ve ever seen in your life, and the meagre fraction that is going to welfare is abysmally small, yet was a true lifeline to you when you needed it mere weeks ago… it still makes your blood boil knowing you’re not getting everything you feel you deserve.
Imagine that amplified x 10, and you can see how a CEO might feel that they’re throwing tens of thousands a month on what they feel are undeserving recipients. All they see are the zeroes, not the percentage.
TL;DR - we all inhabit the same planet, but we live in different worlds.
This isn’t directly related, but I hate when payroll programs show me a damn pie chart of how much money goes to taxes. I know what I yearly salary pre tax is and I know roughly what my paychecks are. I intentionally avoid math comparing the two.
But yeah, like you said, the bigger the amount you make, the more you’re like “wait, I’m losing how much?”
I think it’s just really rich people, but tech CEOs are in this terminally online culture so not only does it all end up out there but they seem to feed off each other and try to bizarrely one up each other.
I see a lot of good discussion here. I’ve been on proton for years now, using my own domain. While true that Andy is one of 5 board members, and it’s a nonprofit etc, these statements are raising hairs on my neck, personally.
Does anyone have a good guide on problems associated with self-hosting email?
I think the main difficulty is getting companies like Gmail to recognize your domain as legitimate, as they don’t by default
I don’t think I do this like you’re suggesting, but I have my email hosted at opalstack. I’ve been really happy with them. I don’t have a server-side spam solution yet, though. I just set up spam rules on Thunderbird on my local machine.
Setting up is a piece of cake but getting your emails through spam filters can be a pain.
Have you considered Tuta?
I don’t know any guide, but deliverability is the biggest concern and it may also not be fully under control. Sometimes IP blocks get blacklisted or deranked and your emails end in spam, and you might not even know that.
Another tech dipshit, whose wealth allows him to exist outside the realm of reality, bending the knee to an anti-democratic felon rapist so he can get some handouts.
Pathetic loser.
Growing up, if you had told me half or more of America would end up elevating a rapist to the presidency and prostrating themselves at his feet, I’d have laughed you out of the room. This nation has sunk LOW.
NordVPN is superior in every way. If you have ProtonVPN, dump it and swap to Nord.
How much wealth does he have ?
framing him as a “tech dipshit” is a mistake, i feel. though it’s definitely true lmao
like all things we should use class to analyse their motivation, and in this case it’s very clear - andy, like mark zuckerburg, elon musk, and jeff bezos, is simply looking after his own interests as a member of the ruling class (that is, the class that owns the means of production under a capitalist system) by ingratiating himself with americas new ruler.
these people will always look after their own class interests before anything else, and it’s through class analyses that we can identify their motivations. here he’s simply trying to raise his own status within his class.
NordVPN is superior in every way. If you have ProtonVPN, dump it and swap to Nord.
Have we learned nothing of the whole “spend millions upon millions on YouTube sponsorships” debacle? Nord absolutely is hiding something from us.
If you need to forward ports, AirVPN seems the best right now. Otherwise, Mullvad.
I genuinely don’t see anything inherently suspicious about advertising through YouTube videos. Yes, there have been a few big name ones that were problematic, but that’s going to be true with most advertising, I’d think.
The other big one coming to mind being the Scottish titles thing. Which, I never thought it was legit, and anyone thinking it made them a real Lord or Lady was foolish, but in Scotland it’s illegal to subdivide property that much and sell it as souvenir plots of land. And people’s coverage on the topic really annoyed me because they focused so much on some Scottish titles organization saying they didn’t recognize land ownership as meaning you had a title, which, to me, is far less of an issue. Like, if you’re selling me something and saying that it makes me very distinguished to own it, I know that’s bullshit, but I’d expect to actually own the thing in the end.
Growing up, if you had told me half or more of America would end up elevating a rapist to the presidency and prostrating themselves at his feet, I’d have laughed you out of the room. This nation has sunk LOW.
Bill Clinton won reelection. Now, granted, he was not Trump levels, he was a piece of shit who at the very least abused his role and power over women. Now, even after me too, he’s a beloved elder statesman. Just saying, the nation has sunk lower, but I don’t know that’s a lot lower than where we were when we were kids.
In a pre-me too world, I think Clinton’s sexual abuse scandal was far too abstract for people to really grasp. I’m not saying it was okay, I’m just saying I understand it not affecting things. But I would’ve hoped we’d be correcting ourselves over time, not getting worse.
he was a piece of shit who at the very least abused his role and power over women.
And bombed a pharmaceutical factory in Libya to distract people from the fact he couldnt keep it in his pants
FYI, Nord no longer allows port forwarding as of a couple years ago. Proton is one of the few providers who still have that feature.