If you don’t put small holes in the bubble wrap pasta, you could make a fun kind of pasta that explodes while cooking, sending boiling water everywhere and burning everyone in the kitchen
Alternatively if you can really make the pasta gather an internal sphere of liquid, just cook it in sauce and it could actually be amazing.
“sheet of lasagna noodle” I’m sorry but what did you just call it? I can understand calling spaghetti a noodle, at least it is noodle shaped but lasagna sheets!?
In America, everything is noodles for some reason.
I assume french fries are also a kind of noodle to them
As far as I know, the worst type of pasta that exists is the long macaroni. They’re awkward to eat and you can’t slurp then in like spaghetti because the hole in the middle lets air through.
Bucatini? Yeah, fuck that shit.
I was gonna say that’s bucatini. I like bucatini though, except for how long it takes to boil.
Bucatni is the basic version of the Oct 4 suggestion, evil.
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I was already ready to be irrationally outraged at calling pasta “noodles”, but then I read the word “y’all’s”
Y’all’d’nt’ve noticed the word if you were from a place that uses words like “y’all’d’nt’ve”
Is that actually used in some places? 😳
It’s absolutely used aloud, though we don’t usually write it
Yeah, rednecks can’t write.
Unfortunately, I can’t find the “usetocould” one!
Probably not common to spell it out like that, but yeah I don’t see any reason why it’s something that people wouldn’t say
ikr, clearly they meant: all y’all’s
Some of yall have never had a soup dumpling apparently.
Also my pitch is just a big solid sphere of pasta dough. Good luck cooking or eating that.
Violates the challenges’ restrictions
Soup dumplings are fantastic.
Alcuni di questi sono veri e propri crimini contro l’umanità
I don’t know Italian but I can understand that.
Crimini mushrooms against humanity?
Shit went off the rails on complexity haha
I like the bowl one, but in order for it to be the worst it needs to never fit the bowl you’re using. Too wide so it wrinkles and doesn’t sit right, too tall ao the upper edges get cold and dry out.
Barbed wire farfalle!
Tessaract pasta. You have to transcend reality to eat it
Not much of one for cooking, but that coax pasta with cheese filling sounds like good eating!