Can someone explain the text in the picture? I understand he is against vaccines, but is he also against fast food and coca cola or why is that person so upset?
He supposedly never eats any processed food and is against processed food.
More to the point though, he literally called Trump’s personal fast food diet poison last week. Now he’s being forced to eat the poison and pretend to like it.
He eats only the finest of homemade roadkill jerky and produce stolen from the neighbour’s garden
Yes, he delicately chainsaws off only the finest shark carcass heads and air dries them on the roof of his car in the heat of the natural sun! Only the best natural produce for him! Prepared by nature!*
*may contain parasitic brain worms, weavels and maggots for an added protein boost!
Maybe he has secret service drive over it a few times to make it road kill, and then he will eat it.
he’s now in charge of Health and Human Services come january
yes, he is in charge of US health. Eating a big mac.
And let’s not forget a few days ago he called fast food poison
So he’s now bowing down to his new king
Ah I see, he should be against fast food as he is against vaccines. Now I get it, it’s funny.
I think people explained it horribly. This is my attempt. If you got it, ignore this and think of it as an explanation for everyone else.
Dude said he was against processed food, especially fast food, and he made it part of his political identity. Just like he made his stance against vaccines part of his political identity. There is a chain of events that highly suggest that he is partly responsible for the dead of (I think) 83 children, due to his stance against vaccines. He joined trump because trump promise him control over the department of health. Obviously, that is kinda his wet dream As he promised his supporters that he would go against vaccines, processed food, gmo,…
Now he eats McDonald’s. He threw away part of his political identity. Part of why people supported him, because he can’t say no to trump. He sold out.
That might be good for America, as trump isn’t against vaccines. As trump expressed he would like to brag about the “fact” that over his presidency, they “found” a vaccine against COVID. But trump knows that COVID vaccine bad in his supporters mind. That doesn’t mean over vaccines are. So maybe it is good that jfk Jr is betraying his political identity.
But of course, betraying your political identity right after an election, is a dick move.
I hope this helps
Now I get it
Do you?
Nobody knows. But I think I get it and that’s probably good enough!
Because you are still convinced this is funny because “he should be against fast food as he is against vaccines” and not because he literally called out Trump in specific for his fast food diet, which he literally called poison, four days earlier?
He does not look comfortable eating that.
Considering he was calling it poison a few days ago, that’s not really surprising. Trump is making him kiss his cock ring and he is slobbering all over it.
To be fair, he does not look comfortable doing ANYTHING…
To be even more fair, nobody looks comfortable near trump.
To be supremely fair, both of those things are true.
This is the same guy who claims my disability (which is medically proven to be caused by viral infections) is caused by eating “junk food”.
He lies constantly to try and get people on his side. He makes so many stupid and disgusting claims. He claims AIDS is caused by the “gay party lifestyle.” He’s never explained how women and heterosexual male IV drug users get it. He’s just used it as a way to be queerphobic.
And he doesn’t like processed foods, so he makes up stupid shit to make them sound as bad as possible. I agree with him that we shouldn’t be eating all this processed food, but there are legitimate basic scientific reasons like the health risks that come with obesity. You don’t need to make shit up.
In his book, he claims HIV is a “manufactured “ culprit for AIDS, and that AIDS, along with most chronic diseases, is caused by bad foods and chemicals, which is leading to a global immune deficiency crisis.
I had to read his book (pirated ofc), because I’m one of better connected advocates to the US government for my disease, so I need an idea how to navigate this administration.
So he can’t even be consistent in his lies.
As journalist Justin Ling observed last year, Kennedy has enthusiastically promoted an untrue link between poppers and AIDS at least since his 2021 book The Real Anthony Fauci. In that book, Kennedy frequently cited the long-discredited work of AIDS denialist Peter Duesberg, falsely claiming that “heavy recreational drug use in gay men and drug addicts was the real cause of immune deficiency” among AIDS victims of the 1980s and 1990s. Kennedy went on to write that he had never “found any evidence that HIV ever actually kills a T-cell,” asserting that the connection between HIV and AIDS was itself the product of a medical conspiracy with former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci at its head.
“100% of the people who died — the first thousand who had AIDS were people who were addicted to poppers,” Kennedy (falsely) told an audience of supporters in a video posted by the watchdog social media account PatriotTakes in 2023. “There were people that were part of a gay lifestyle, where they were burning the candle at both ends […] and there were poppers on sale everywhere at the gay bars.”
Now I won’t be able to unsee that.
If I’m going down will take everyone with me.
But I didn’t swallow.
Oh he definitely swallows
Get used to this shit. What a fucking buffoon.
Imagine how fast his pipes started shaking after eating that.
He sounded like a wood chipper
Maybe he will have a heart attack 🤞
Eventually … if he keeps eating like that
“It puts the burger in its mouth or else it gets the hose again.”
That worm ate more of his brain than he lets on
I never thought TV’s Frank would be so fucking cool but here we are. He’s got a point.
I never thought TV’s Frank would be so fucking cool
How could you not think TV’s Frank was cool?!
He put me through so much.
I didn’t know I could trust him.
Oh damn! You’re right!
W like Wambo
Gifting and chaos opportunity really won this year. Grim af
Are people not overreacting here just a touch?
You tell me. He literally called Trump’s fast-food diet in specific “poison” four days before that photo was taken.
Ha, I wasn’t aware of that.