New polling results released just weeks away from Election Day show a
majority of Americans want to replace the Electoral College with popular
vote system.
And if and when it gets passed, the conservative scotus, which has constantly ruled in favor of states rights being nearly unlimited and that precedent or other writings about the cotus don’t count, will buck both these trends and vote that this violates the cotus based on some obscure writing by some founding father.
And if and when it gets passed, the conservative scotus, which has constantly ruled in favor of states rights being nearly unlimited and that precedent or other writings about the cotus don’t count, will buck both these trends and vote that this violates the cotus based on some obscure writing by some founding father.
Republicans: “States rights!” States: Decriminalize cannabis, affirm women’s rights, sign on with the NPVIC, etc… Republicans: “No, not like THAT!”
This SCOTUS would uphold Dred Scott v. Sanford.
Probably that interstate compacts have to be approved by Congress. It would be the most obvious angle of attack.