Everybody that is having an issue with the PS4 Pro pricing obviously aren’t in the market for a gaming PC.

To get the same performance from a gaming PC, you’re spending AT LEAST 3x that amount.

$700 is a steal…

#Gaming #VideoGames #PS5Pro #PS5


  • @BeAware@social.beaware.live PS5 pro may not target PS5 owners. There are only 59 million PS5 owners. But over 110 million PS4 owners. Don’t forget that PS5’s production and sales were seriously disrupted by COVID. So, Sony most likely is targeting PS4, NOT PS5 owners, and some PC gamers. As suggested by many gaming sites, PS5 pro is as powerful as RTS 3080 which is like 4070. And a new 4070 PC costs about $1300. I got my Dell 4060 laptop (equivalent to 3070) in July.