I’m currently rewatching it, and at first I admit I hated the season and didn’t understand all the praise it got, but on this second viewing, I am actually warming up a bit to it. It still is deeply flawed, with a lot of things that don’t make sense or could have been done better, but I kinda like it regardless. What do you think?

  • David Farnell@zirk.us
    2 years ago

    @keeb420 @startrekexplained There were things I loved and didn’t love about all 3 seasons, but S3 was, to me, a particularly egregious nostalgia-fest. I was bored most of the time, especially with the villains, and the recycled plot of “ships controlled by AI are a bad idea,” which, thanks, we’ve known since TOS. It felt all in service of getting the Next Gen gang back together, playing poker, which could’ve been accomplished in 1 episode.

    • David Farnell@zirk.us
      2 years ago

      @keeb420 @startrekexplained And oh yeah, the whole “Picard’s son” storyline? Kudos to the actor, but it was a dull plotline, and it just didn’t seem in character at all for Beverly to hide that from Picard, no matter how they tried to explain it.
      I mean…they could have had Wesley in there! Yeah, there are “reasons” why he’s not supposed to show up, but those reasons are way flimsier than what they came up with for keeping the other guy secret.