In this version, replying to comments is much more pleasant, as the whole comment section doesn’t have to reload anymore. Now, the new comment just slides right in!
You can now also subscribe to and unsubscribe from communities.
In this version, replying to comments is much more pleasant, as the whole comment section doesn’t have to reload anymore. Now, the new comment just slides right in!
You can now also subscribe to and unsubscribe from communities.
Is it intended behavior that one has to sign in again when the app updates?
Yes, there was a big migration from an old way of storing accounts, and I’m still not 100% sure how I’d like to go about it. So for now, every update deletes the accounts so you wouldn’t end up in a situation where you have a broken account list.
This will, of course, be disabled when the full version comes out.
Got it! Thanks for confirmation! Keep up the good work ☺️