After decades of attempts to develop new birth control medications for men, scientists are more hopeful than ever. With new abortion restrictions, demand is growing, experts say.
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After decades of attempts to develop new birth control medications for men, scientists are more hopeful than ever. With new abortion restrictions, demand is growing, experts say.
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Why do they always use the phrase “safe and effective”. Almost as if they are programming people by repeating the same phrase everywhere…
There are things that are safe but not effective.
There are things that are effective but not safe.
There are things that are neither safe nor effective.
For example: There was some drug to stop morning sickness (im lazy and not going to look up the drug’s name) that was really effective but absolutely turned out to not be safe as it caused all sorts of birth defects in the developing fetus.
Thalidomide/Contergan for those curious Thalidomide scandal
Because those are the two most important things when it comes to birth control?
Lmao get out of here