Still a very green banana.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Just like Republicans the Democrats like to spin things to make themselves look better but at the end of the day it is just a dressed-up pile of horseshit

    Harris’s pick for vice president was Walz and that spoke volumes on her position on oil

    Resistance to the Line 3 pipeline expansion is led by Indigenous women and two-spirit people.[35] Ojibwe-led groups including Giniw Collective, Camp Migizi, Red Lake Treaty Camp, RISE Coalition, and Honor the Earth among others have been at the center of resistance.[36] Demonstrators and protesters organizing in opposition to the pipeline refer to themselves as “water protectors”[37] and follow a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience that includes direct actions.[38] Organizers aim to convince the Biden administration to revoke or suspend the pipeline project’s federal clean water permit.[23] Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has not taken a firm stance on the pipeline expansion, which received federal approval under the Trump administration.[18][23]

    Opposition to the pipeline persisted throughout the years-long permit process and continued as legal challenges to the project were mounted.[39][18] Opponents of the pipeline organized protests, at one point making an encampment outside of the offices of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.[17]

    After the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gave final approval for the project, it was granted a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency construction storm water permit on November 30, 2020.[40] Construction of the pipeline immediately commenced.


    Liam Donovan, a Republican strategist, said it was notable that at a debate in energy-rich Pennsylvania, Harris chose to “brag about something that President Biden has barely acknowledged — that domestic fossil fuel production under the Biden administration is at an all-time high.″ Crude production averaged 12.9 million barrels a day last year, eclipsing a previous record set in 2019 under Trump, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

    The statement was “another sign of Harris’ sprint to the middle″ on energy policy and other issues, said Donovan, who works with energy industry clients at the Bracewell law and lobbying firm.

    Harris went one step further, rebranding the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act — the administration’s signature climate law — as a boon to fracking and other drilling, thanks to lease-sale requirements inserted into the bill by independent West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a key swing vote in the Senate and a strong supporter of the fossil fuel industry.

    Harris’s comments disappointed some in the environmental community.

    “Harris missed a critical opportunity to lay out a stark contrast with Trump and show young voters that she will stand up to Big Oil and stop the climate crisis,’’ said Stevie O’Hanlon, a spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement, one of the groups behind the Green New Deal.

    “Harris spent more time promoting fracking than laying out a bold vision for a clean energy future,’’ O’Hanlon said. “Young voters want more from Harris’’ on climate change, she added. “We want to see a real plan that meets the scale and urgency of this crisis.’’

    Her group is working to turn out young voters, “but we hear people asking every day, ‘What are Democrats going to do for us?’” O’Hanlon said. “To win, Harris needs to show young people she will fight for us.”

    Other environmental groups were less critical, citing the looming threat to climate action posed by Trump, who rolled back more than 100 environmental protections during his term as president.

    “There is only one presidential candidate who is a champion for climate action and that is Kamala Harris,’’ said Alex Glass, speaking for Climate Power, a liberal advocacy group. Harris “laid out a clear vision to invest in clean energy jobs and lower costs for working families,’’ Glass said.

    By comparison, she said, Trump “will do the bidding of his Big Oil donors.’’

  • Harris is set to hold two rallies in North Carolina and one in Pennsylvania as part of the kickoff for her “New Way Forward Tour,” which her campaign said is an effort to “capitalize on her decisive victory” against former President Donald Trump at the ABC News debate earlier this week.

    what new way forward? is she going to suddenly come out strong on anything with a plan forward?

    she said nothing in the debates about anything that affects the US citizens on a day-to-day basis and neither did Trump

    no matter who wins there will be more police funding, less healthcare, no women’s rights, no healthcare reform, nothing to help the environment, more genocide, more antiimmigration, more world policing, stagnant pay, and lots of molasses

    what does Harris bring to the table besides being more mentally fit and yes younger but still too old to relate to the populace just like Trump