Words published here do not necessarily reflect views of my employer or any other organization I am affiliated with.
Principal Meat Popsicle @SophosXOps, researching and writing about malware, network forensics, and the intersection of crime with anything that electrons flow through.
Sophos’ representative to the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA), a threat intelligence sharing network whose members comprise most of the infosec industry’s largest companies.
Volunteer docent and astromech droid for ancient technology at @mediaarchaeologylab - I break robust modern computers and act as caregiver to the old, fragile ones.
Executive director of Elect More Hackers. On a mission to recruit and train infosec people to run for office - more at electmorehackers.com
I use this account for posting about professional and infosec stuff. Personal account is @spike
@mattblaze@federate.social I’ve always felt a sense of awe at the Altamont Pass farm. Every time I’ve driven by it, it is hypnotic. And you’re right, the audible hum gives you the impression that energy is, literally, in the air there.