• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m trying to use this whole reddit madness to quit using the internet for anything that isn’t intentional. The fact that I’m here writing a comment shows that it’s not going perfectly, but so far reducing the time I spend scrolling or watching YouTube has definitely improved my headspace.

    The simple act of not using my phone or any other screen until I get out of home in the morning makes me so much more energetic and my mind more clear.

    It’s a fucking addiction and most of us have it without realizing. The horrible part is that quitting cuts you out of so much stuff, but it really is worth it.

  • I don’t quite get how a “collective art piece” could get “hijacked”. If it can be hijacked than it’s only collective and collaborative for the ones that Reddit likes.

    Of course this is the only way they could present it, but as far as I’m concerned the cool thing about r/place, in principle, is that you can see the chaos of the world, with opposite views, opinions, goals, tastes, interests sharing the same space, the same place, and interacting with each other.

    I’d much rather see swastikas alongside sickles and hammers, stickmen being murdered alongside unicorns, dirty jokes alongside the Mona Lisa, than this corporate PR stunt.

    I think it also shows that the protests have been somehow successful. Sure, Reddit won’t fail, but if they decided to do another r/Place it’s only because they know how loved it is by the community and hope to make people forget about the disaster.

  • AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

    Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it’s in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets “translated” to your own “thought language”.

    I think that’s the future we will face if we don’t wipe ourselves out of existence first. The “cool” thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can’t really grasp at the moment.

    The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

  • AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

    Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it’s in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets “translated” to your own “thought language”.

    I think that’s the future we will face if we don’t wipe ourselves out of existence first. The “cool” thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can’t really grasp at the moment.

    The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

  • AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

    Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it’s in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets “translated” to your own “thought language”.

    I think that’s the future we will face if we don’t wipe ourselves out of existence first. The “cool” thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can’t really grasp at the moment.

    The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

  • I live in Italy and don’t really give much attention to latin poo songs, but it sure feels like it.

    I have to say though that those are probably the ones that get here. I don’t think that in Latin America there’s no poo music for the rest of the year.

    EDIT: obviously pop, not poo. I’m leaving the typo because it’s funny. EDIT 2: GODDAMMIT I wrote poo TWO TIMES? What’s wrong with my fingers?

  • Sì io ho vent’anni e ho visto gente fumare abitualmente le sigarette elettroniche usa e getta senza aver mai toccato tabacco in vita propria.

    se vuoi un livello di qualità costruttiva decente devi prendere quelle per lo svapo professionali in acciaio inox

    Neanche troppo, dai. Io la mia l’ho pagata una sessantina di euro ed è un compromesso perfetto tra il non avere il Millennium Falcon in tasca e il non fumare da un bastoncino che fa meno vapore dell’acqua sui fornelli.

    Poi, facendo un discorso più generale sulle sigarette elettroniche, credo che l’approccio migliore sia di essere cauti e considerarle alla stregua del tabacco: le ricerche dicono tutto e il contrario di tutto, e in più se non sei del campo (come me e la maggior parte dell’utenza) non solo è difficile capire materialmente cosa dicono, ma è di fatto impossibile distinguere una ricerca autorevole da una che non lo è (oltre al classico metodo del “è citata da tutti, quindi cazzate non dirà”, ma anche lì hai sempre il rischio di essere finito in una bolla di ricerche che si citano a vicenda), e con un argomento così sensibile è difficile anche affidarsi alla divulgazione.

    Nella mia esperienza aneddotica posso dire che se mi capita di fumare un paio di sigarette (che se c’è di mezzo l’alcol è praticamente inevitabile) per le seguenti 24 ore o più ho il fiato corto, tensione al collo e un generale senso di stanchezza e malessere, stando attaccato alla sigaretta elettronica decisamente più di quanto dovrei invece nulla di tutto ciò. C’è da dire anche che la nicotina non è di per sé il problema (e anzi, ha proprietà quasi benefiche in alcuni ambiti) quanto piuttosto tutti i prodotti della combustione. Il punto è capire quanto dannose siano (perché di certo bene non fanno) le sostanze prodotte dalle sigarette elettroniche. Io nel mio piccolo ho smesso di usare gli aromi, perché da quel che so sono l’unico elemento variabile dei liquidi e ogni produttore fa un po’ quello che vuole (in più uccidono le resistenze nella metà del tempo e, onestamente, se per anni non solo ho sopportato ma ho addirittura apprezzato il sapore di carta e tabacco bruciati non vedo la necessità di inalare “mix biscotto alla vaniglia e bubblegum tropicale” o cazzate simili, che sono solo un modo per fare fumare i minorenni imho)

  • Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, and I hated it.

    It takes a very cool premise, then fills it with incongruences and predictable twists that you understand chapters ahead of the protagonist. Then it all ends up being (SPOILERS AHEAD) a “humans used to literally talk to nature, modern society bad” mumbojumbo with some kind of unexplained multiverse in it.

  • What concepts would you suggest looking into to start entering the audio data rabbit hole

    So far I did very basic things such as a multi voice synth that plays chords starting from the root note or hi-hats using [noise~] and [vline~]. I was thinking about looking into granular synthesis next, but I’d also want to gain more fundamental knowledge (the kind of stuff that once you know it, you can apply it to do all sorts of stuff).

    I started reading The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music, but it’s very technical and mathematical from the very beginning and it feels a bit overwhelming for someone who had to google “cosine” to remember what it was.