nickwitha_k (he/him)

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • I kinda envy folks who think that they have enough geopolitical importance for the CIA/NSA/ThreeLetterAgencies to be keeping tabs on them. I mean, it generally comes with a lot of baggage and delusions but, constantly that level of self-esteem and assuredness must be nice (not that I’m super low in my adult life).

    Now, influence campaigns? That’s a different animal altogether. There’ve been too many on the modern Internet for too long.

  • You’ve received a lot of great advice that I’ve seen. Definitely getting labs would be a good first step. I’d suggest working with your therapist on this, honestly. Supposing that you’re not dealing with a deficiency or medication issue, it might be important to figure out how long you’ve been feeling this way, what way it is exactly that you’re feeling, and figuring out what to do about it.

  • That’s one of the awesome things, at least with my local library, which is about a 5-10min walk from where I live. Nearly every service that they offer is available online, if you have a card. The card is free and the only time that I’ve had to go in in-person was to verify my address.

    While I was there the librarian even walked my through apps that are useful for managing digital loans, etc. Libby being the one most useful for ebook and audiobook loans.

  • you’re going to need more than an internet connrection.

    Absolutely. Chances are that what you need is a library card from your local public library. When trying to learn more about graphene semiconductors, I couldn’t find the paper that was referenced in articles anywhere that wasn’t paywalled. After a contemplating for a while I checked my library’s site and, sure enough, they offer free, searchable access to academic journals.

  • To me, the most important role of anarchism is as a “North Star”. My ideal society (something like anarcho-syndicalism) is not going to happen in my life. Easier to accept as a full adult. However, that doesn’t mean abandoning the ideals. It means examining them and the pre-conditions necessary to achieve them. Things like cultivating community and encouraging pro-social behaviors that are necessary to change culture for the better over time.

    Maybe when xers, millennials, zoomers, and alphas are and to finally take the reins and have some semblance of control over their own lives we will be able to see more change but for now, building and support is needed so that we don’t repeat things like the failed revolution in Iran that led to a theocracy.