This reminds of a joke.
You know where a 500kg gorilla sits?
Wherever he sees fit.
Are you willing to argue with him about it?
This reminds of a joke.
You know where a 500kg gorilla sits?
Wherever he sees fit.
Are you willing to argue with him about it?
deleted by creator
Polyamorous relation, I’d risk.
Personally knew a situation where after having two children, the sex drive of the mother simply disappeared. The couple still loved each other and being relatively young, the woman did not want her husband to be deprived of sex for the rest of his life or, evem worst, resort to infidelity or risky intercourse with professionals.
The solution was to find a second woman to become part of the household, to which the wife actively vetted and aproved. It worked.
So, OP, unless you can muster up a really crazy story, I’m pretty hard to impress.
We will have to wait and see. And press matters against politians, if things start to go awry.
Or not. Thinga are getting heated and there are people losing patience with these extremists.
Why do you automatically discount your dad from being banged by the milk man as well?
Do they realize the EU is a foreign group of countries, with separate legislation and autonomous power?
Hopefulltly, those experts retorted: for a large salary increase, in writing.
I remember reading this article on how this group of flat earthers had pooled together to buy this incredibly expensive device, that had been laser calibrated. I think I recall being some sort of gyroscope that, if the planet was truly a sphere, would record on its inclination the degrees it would shift in order to maintain perfectly balance . The group had also did the math and they had reached a value that would be expected to be measured if the Earth was truly a sphere but it was immediatly rendered impossible because the device would never record such deviation as the Earth was flat.
Can you guess where this is going?
The device measured the exact figure the group had calculated. With no margin of error. And repeating the experiment only returned the exact same result. They had, by their own standard, reached proof the Earth was not flat.
Their conclusion?
The device had been sabotaged.
Somewhere, those have to be considered a crime against humanity.
I look at this and my brain just goes “soggy pickle slices and batter was not thick enough, nor did the slices spent enough time in it”.
Windows XP was the best OS ever. Then it was overtaken by any other alternative.
It’s expected. Right now, it is becoming a safe space for political dissidence. As sentiment pools and gathers mass, things tend to get towards the polar opposites and revolt breeds more revolt. Anything less than total agreement is viewed sideways.
Good. If they are willing to smear us, they fear us.
I feel personally attacked by that. Am man and able to cook. Unfair generalization. I do still manage to leave the toilet seat up.
Linux has been ready for the last twenty and I am not afraid to say it. Before moving over, I used to be the biggest Window$ fanboy you could find. I would literally preach at the smallest opportunity available and make everyone in a 10 meters radius around me groan and roll their eyeball so hard they would fall off their skull.
Then I go and buy a new laptop that I was told didn’t have a pre-installed OS after paying for it. Because I had zero extra money to go and buy a copy of Window$, I ask a coworker to hook me up with something and in the time it took me to go from the store to my job, I had a SUSE Linux disk waiting for me. Back in 2005.
I unpack the laptop, we boot it to have access to the CD drive and the damn thing starts to boot into an unannounced Window$ Vi$ta. Apparently there was a Window$, unfortunately it was the wrong version, because at this point in time, for me, it was either Window$ XP or nothing. My coworker shows me how to setup up SUSE, which took all of two hours to achieve, including mannually configuring sound and graphics card. The machine is now dual booting.
Out of morbid curiosity, I play a bit on Vi$ta. It’s slow, clunky, things are not where they should be. The machine burns through the battery in under 2 hours, under conservative energy settings, while under an OS I was previously completely unfamilliar with I feel more at ease, using GNOME as my desktop and the battery management is good enough that those two hours of battery life get stretched closer to three. This is roughly a 50% increase.
Remember I was this big fanboy? No M$Office, no WinAmp, no WinZip, no nothing. I’m lost. Right? Wrong. With zero effort, I get all the software I require for my daily life and then some. And it comes pre-installed. No need to rely on shady websites to get software. No hassle. No headaches. It just works.
Fast forward today.
I have zero machines in my home with Window$. I don’t use it. I still know how to but I don’t. I don’t recommend it. I only advise using FOSS, if the person is a terminal locked-in Window$ user.
So… Linux is ready.
Testing your fate, there.
Uh, people?
Have you ever met a baker that was angry?
That’s why.
I just browsed that community and I can only say it is not for me. Even in roleplaying I have hard limits and the setting for that community just crosses every single one.
That’s a nice one!