So good the russians shot the drone out of the sky with their refineries!
So good the russians shot the drone out of the sky with their refineries!
No not North America, just America, Canada has free health care
Typical Karen, always has to get the last word in
Three women are sitting at a parlour eating iced cream.
One is Licking the cone.
One is sucking the cone.
One is biting the cone.
Which one is married?
Karen karen karen!
Oh shit I just fucked up…
And because a few loud idiots decided a word was bad the rest if the world has to suffer with karens and kens of the world.
Hilarious thing is i find this funny and I know youre pissed wic makes it even funnier
And Im calling out whatever you are, karen, ken? Feels good, give me that beautiful dopamine kick. No wonder why you do it!
Is any of the arguing useful to anything or just a negative wast of time and effort for both parties?
Also reading it make me feel retarded (noun)
And I used it as a verb not a noun. Please learn how english works
Youre upset that I used a word… That seems very grown up…
No, I dont spend the time getting upset over nothing. Thats what adulting does to ya. Again grow the fuck up
So much garbage, no Ukrainian position looks like this
Sorry to tell em, it’s a dumpster not a car…
Or try and get off your fucking pedistal and grow a pair?
I’d be the first person to give you the shirt iff my backnor part of my meal. And because of my language you assume Im a POS.
Try growing up eh?
No, messing around on lemmy while your anus is bleeding is retarded, GO SEE A DOCTOR!
Stop implying the word and say it, because of your inability to say said word means I now say it in my head because you use a silly other word to call the word what it is now placing the burden on me because you are a coward to say a word. Go to Australia and yell cunt, ya wont even get a reaction but I bet you will say something about me saying cunt because you are one.
Maybe read a dictionary??
Sorry but I dont sugar coat the word to holdback progress, development or accomplishment.
Total humbug it is censoring ones self.
But thank you for your input
And then there is the rest of the Fediverse thinking this squabble between. World and. Ml is fucking retarded
Brawndo, its what plants crave