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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023

    1. Always wanted one even as a kid growing up in the 90s. Which leads to…

    2. Doing my part in “saving the Planet” by not having to rely on fossil fuels to directly fuel up. Sure, a good chunk of the charging infrastructure relies on fossil fuels for now, but those are being replaced by alternatives/renewables on the daily. Which leads to…

    3. Self Reliance. Not only do I just plug and forget, I also don’t have to worry too much about maintenance. It’s funny when people tell me that EVs are expensive to operate and live with because it’s proof that they don’t actually own one.

  • My co-worker explained how she had to drive her parents BMW SUV when they stayed over to babysit her daughters for the holiday break last year. The family’s Tesla was being used by the husband for a work trip but she figured that her parents BMW would do nicely (plus, it’s a BMW, so it must be fancy!.. Right?..)

    Well long story short she told me that driving the car for less than a weekend more or less cemented her position on EVs for the rest of her life.

    She had forgotten just how loud ICEs were (despite the BMW being considered quiet by normal ICE standards), and realized just how inefficient they were at driving. She missed regenerative braking, the instant torque, the smoothness of the driving, and the technology even basic EVs have over ICEs. While this BMW had decent software, it didn’t hold a candle compared to what she was now used to. Plus, she had forgotten just how expensive gas was, and ended up spending more money refueling for that week than months worth of charging. Even using a supercharger exclusively would’ve been far cheaper according to her.

    She told me that she’ll never go back to an ICE.