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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2022


  • Italy: when I took my license I had to learn on a manual car because the exam car has a manual transmission but my first car was automatic (a bit uncommon here 15 years ago) so I forgot how to drive a manual, then I bought my first RV and I had to re-learn on a 30+ years vehicle but after that I never forgot. Now I like driving manual cars but if you live in a city it’s better an automatic one

  • Quando ero piccola mio papà mi prestava il suo Motorola, quello classico con l’antenna che si sollevava e lo sportellino davanti, poi mi sono comprata un Motorola con i soldi delle paghette, non so che modello fosse, era senza sportellino e con l’antenna fissa, ma ero così contenta di avere un telefono mio anche se era una ciofeca!

    Poi è arrivata la moda dei Nokia e mi sono fatta regalare credo fosse il 3310 con le cover intercambiabili e sembrava un salto di qualità incredibile per quei tempi

    Un telefono che invidiavo molto a una mia amica era l’alcatel trasparente, era un periodo in cui andavano di moda i prodotti elettronici trasparenti, c’era anche il Game Boy!

  • I use apple products as main devices since I was 16 and bought my first Mac, I’m not a fan girl, these are all shitty companies so Android/Google, Apple or Windows for me it’s the same but I have to say that the way iOS works is super intuitive to me, it’s like my brain works the same way (obviously there’s some stupid stuff like the way Settings are arranged) and I have also Android devices form various brands but I wouldn’t change my iphone/mac even if I have to buy everything refurbished because the cost is prohibitive!

    The keyboard is ok, I registered many abbreviations so writing is very simple; Safari works fine and you can install adblockers, or if you want you can download another browser, just without extensions;

    If you are a geek and privacy focused I agree that a de-googled Android is the best but for the average joe an iphone works well