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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • My dad bought a mid 90’s Corolla from an elderly lady. It was about 15 years old at the time, and it had the original tires and everything. Car had like 15,000 miles on it. He bought it to gift to somebody who needed a car.

    Before he gave it away, he gave me a ride to the ferry terminal. My dad drives like an absolute fucking maniac, taking the smallest gaps, tailgating people at 1/2 car length at 60 MPH kind of thing. So I’m holding on for dear fucking life, yelling at him to slow the hell down, as we’re flying down the highway on these original little 14 inch ancient, dry-rotted tires.

    Suddenly traffic stops and he slams on the brakes…and realizes a car with original, old rotten tires and no ABS doesn’t stop very well, especially when you’re used to a modern car.
    It was a white knuckle ride as this little tin can car locked up and slid all over the fucking highway and we very narrowly missed a horrific accident. The whole highway was billowing with tire smoke.

    I guarantee those were the originals, lol. When he picked me up a few days later he was in his regular, modern car.