Kudra :maybe_verified:

I like beets.

#UBI techno-#Georgist #4dayworkweek #ev #ebikes #parent #embryoadoption #auspol #health

Allergic to Friendface. Hoping fellow allergy holders & #Twatters decamp here (I was here in 2018! see: @kudra 😅)

Let’s decouple our ideas of innate human value from jobs, mmk?

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2022


  • @TinyBreak @Nath I had my daughter in daycare at 3 months (1 day a week) and she caught EVERYTHING in the first year. I got about half the things, a milder version, but with the 3 gastros I was SO grateful for my standing Zofran script as it would have been awful without.

    This year so far (she’s now almost 2), 3 relatively mild colds (touch wood), I know there will be more things but I vaguely hope the experience of covid has made a tiny dent in behaviour so there is a bit less spread.

    The policies at childcare have definitely not swung back to precovid norms, so they are stricter now than before regarding temperature, diarrhoea etc and exclusions generally. So I think maybe that is helping a little? The immune system still gets a workout, but I’ve been expecting to be much sicker this year than so far has turned out.

  • @Seagoon_ yes, but he could only afford science to become a vocation because he was the son of a wealthy financier.

    “The world’s first university, The University of Al Qarawiynn, was founded in 895 CE by a woman named Fatima al-Fihri. She used her inheritance to form a large mosque with an associated school”

    … so the world’s first university apparently started by a woman of leisure who assumedly had a hefty inheritance if she could afford to start a University.

    Even Siddhartha Gautama was a nobleman.

    The luxury to spend time thinking and learning has traditionally been afforded to the wealthy, not the working class, and so when young folks now go to uni and feel like it was a scam, it’s worth noting this history.