• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I do feel kinda bad for people. There’s very few jobs left where you don’t interact with a computer in some form or another, and the reality is that it’s not for everyone. Of course most people can benefit from using these “tools” but since they’re always upgrading, there keeps being something new to learn.

    Personally, I love technology and playing around with new tech. However, if I’m great at sales or a lawyer or something, that’s where I add value, not in knowing how a computer works. So I can see how people get frustrated with it.

    In the end it boils down to, pretty much everyone needs IT, but IT doesn’t need everyone. Think about it, when was the last time you worked at a company where an employee didn’t have a computer or need a computer for some task that they do?

  • Doesn’t matter if you win or lose, insider trading (illegal kind) is when someone with access to material non-public information, trades based on that info. I believe all publicly traded companies must have policies in place, so that any employees with access to this type of info have trading restrictions. In general, if they want to sell, they need to inform an internal compliance team, and then there may be mandatory waiting periods. For example, they may only be able to sell after 30 day waiting period.

  • SO has helped me countless times, so I can’t thank it enough. However, it just seems impossible to become an “expert” these days. I can’t even vote when a solution has helped me. I’ve tried raising my own legitimate questions, but at this point they’re going to be obscure & niche, so that no one interacts with it, and I don’t get magical internet points so that I can contribute myself. It’s actually really frustrating since I’ve actually wanted to give back to the community, and it just seems to work actively against me.

  • This restaurant in Argentina. Didn’t even go there for the burger. Wasn’t sure what to get on the menu. Place was on the “at least where a collar” type with low lighting and cocktails and all that. Type of place you’d usually eat with fork and knife.

    Anyways, I saw they had a burger on the menu and the ingredients just sounded good. Nothing far out there or anything, but it gave me the craving. When it finally came out, the first bite was so. Fucking. Good. Meat in general has a very high floor in Argentina, but that burger was something else. My wife agrees that was the best burger we’ve ever tried as well.

    We went back to Argentina about a year after we had had that burger. About a month in, I surprised my wife with a reservation at the restaurant. We had been talking about getting that burger again for weeks before coming to Argentina. We get to the place, order a drink, and pick up the menu. For about 2 minutes the table was silent. Then we started looking at each other quizzically. “Do you see the burger?”, I asked. She shakes her head. We signal to the waiter that we have a Q. He comes over and we ask him about the burger. “Ah, I’m sorry, the chef took it off the menu a couple of months ago. I guess not enough people were ordering it.”. Man, both our hearts sank.

    TLDR; life is unfair. The best burgers can only be eaten once.