Indépendantiste (old)

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • J’aime pas quand les gens disent que état laïque = état raciste. C’est clairement qqch qui a été fait par des grandes religions qui veulent gagner du pouvoir sur le dos de l’inclusivité et qui voient qu’ils perdent des chances chez nous. En fait j’ai jamais compris les accomodements et l’inclusion de religions a valeurs clairement conflictuelles avec la société québécoise du 21e siècle. une religion qui hésiterait pas a exécuter les membres LGBT est une religion a bannir, pas une a inclure (ironiquement, cette inclusivité est dirigée par les partis plus a gauche, donc fortement pro LGBT)

  • If the Zenfone 10 is not available where you live, the base S23 should also be a pretty good contender. I have pretty great battery life on mine (about 10%-15% per hour, (but more often than not its around 10-12%) on regular usage like web browsing videos etc). It will also get basically twice as many updates as the zenfone. I had imported a Zenfone 8 in Canada, and I kind of regret doing that, not only was the phone pretty expensive, but I also had no warranty at all, and the repair support is basically inexistant if you import it. The S23 with a slim case is very one handeable and even though it has a smallerbattery than the zenfone 8, it has basically twice the battery life thanks to the better SoC. I got my S23 for about 700$ CAD with taxes included, so pretty great price IMO

  • Same, my first semester we had a course litterally about creating word and excel documents, how to format text etc… in a software engineering program. Or other example, (2nd year, 2nd semester of the year on a 3 year program) last semester, we had a semester team project that we had to give at the end. At first, I litterally had tell them how to commit changes to the github repo, because they only did it though the web UI. How they got this far into the program I honestly have no clue as we litterally had a course in the first year that had a few classes dedicated for proper git usage