Not surprised that NYC is overcorrecting once again. I work in the industry and out of 2500 apartments we estimate around 20 are tenants involved in short term rentals. The last two we caught were even people that rent multiple rent-stabilized apartments and run their own business on Airbnb. This not only puts a pressure on unit supply in general but also specifically removes affordable housing opportunities for those in need.
At least with the buildings I’m involved in, the bigger issue is the state removing any ability to raise rents on vacant rent-stabilized units. We have at least 60 units sitting vacant indefinitely because it would take over 5 years to recover the cost of fixing up the unit and getting it rented. This rule was meant to stop shitty landlords drom taking advantage of tenants but if their focus was on tenant protection laws instead of completely removing all incentives to invest capital in old units they wouldn’t have swapped one issue for another.
I’m sure there are legitimate uses for Airbnb that have now been completely eliminated and we’ll see unintended consequences down the line.
Jerseys and gilets from Spexcel
Bibs from YKYWBIKE
Ride Now TPU tubes are bomb proof
Radar Tail Light and heart rate monitor from Magene (although I haven’t tried the Garmin ones)
OG-Evkin Drop Bars
Things I wouldn’t recommend
Glasses from Kapvoe (shit quality and risky in a crash)
OG-Evkin seat post (quality is good, but the way the seat attaches is prone to seize and difficult to adjust)