I’ve added a pinned FAQ to the community to address/clarify what’s been brought up in this thread so far. LMK if you have any other questions.
I’ve added a pinned FAQ to the community to address/clarify what’s been brought up in this thread so far. LMK if you have any other questions.
(This is what I could find.)[https://albumcovers.fandom.com/wiki/Album_Cover_Game] The base image is copyrighted (and that’s allowed), but the final result is still OC, since the text is supposed to be edited in by yourself.
The fake album game is more of an algorithm to get a fake album through chance (the final product matters much more than the method imo), but it could be helpful for those who don’t know where to begin.
I think decades of minimalist, ‘intuitive’ interfaces that abstract what’s going on in the background have made us too lazy to go beyond the bare minimum to switch platforms in general.
A common criticism I saw of the fediverse was the fact that you have to decide on an instance. As if any significant part of your life doesn’t require a certain amount of research before making a decision. We all just buy the car that the dealership tells us to buy, of course.
I remember reading a book that talked about public spaces and how we often think of malls as public spaces, but they have so many restrictions and ulterior motives that it doesn’t really hold.
They’re essentially the irl equivalent of centralised social media platforms. I hope once the fediverse really takes off, we can have ‘official’ platforms/instances that are run by governments that federate only to other ‘official’ ones. That seems like a better way to reach people, instead of Xitter.
Same with movies, like how the Venom movies have higher Rotten Tomatoes scores with each installment, despite getting worse as they went along.
PC here, but 5:45 😎