growsomethinggood ()

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • Cis woman here, married to a trans woman, so I’m familiar with both sides of this puberty: it’s okay to eat a little more. You’re basically a teenager, and your body needs energy now. You are going to go through a fair bit of change and it’s important to have the calories needed to do so, especially if you’re starting out without much fat in reserve. Your body is going to redistribute where fat accumulates on your body, and people with estrogen tend to have a higher body fat percentage than people with testosterone.

    If you have a therapist (gender therapist or otherwise) I’d definitely consult with them about your anxiety around this, since you mentioned the possibility of disordered eating. If it helps, talking to your regular doctor or endocrinologist can give you other professional perspectives on this as well.

    Good luck! And take care of yourself ♥

  • There’s a lot of dog whistles in these TERF/fascist-lite spaces, but one of the early items JKR advocated for was sending trans women to men’s prisons. You should be able to look this up, it’s well known. Would you not agree that that is wishing harm and/or death on trans women?

    I’m sure there are plenty more dog whistles that have happened after that one that I’m not versed in, but hopefully that gives you a jumping off point in your fact checking. I’d recommend videos by Shaun, Jesse Gender, and ContraPoints if you are interested in more compilations and perspectives.

  • And for those of you who only know temperatures based on brewing tea or coffee:

    123F: Probably insufficient for even fairly delicate teas. You could probably make “sun tea” at this temperature by leaving tea in room temperature water to be heated by the sun, but this is not recommended as anything below ~130F is considered the danger zone for bacterial growth.

    170F: This is the appropriate temperature for delicate or green teas to preserve flavor, antioxidants, and prevent bitterness.

    200F: An acceptable temperature below boiling (212F) for black teas and coffee where overextraction is minimal.

    109F: Unacceptable for tea brewing, barely above body temperature.

  • Sigh, ACLU, is this really that high a priority in the list of rights we need to fight for right now? Really?

    Also, am I missing something, or wouldn’t these arguments fall apart under the lens of slander? If you make a sufficiently convincing AI replica that is indistinguishable from reality of someone’s face and/or voice, and use it to say untrue things about them, how is that speech materially different from directly saying “So-and-so said x” when they didn’t? Or worse, making videos of them doing something terrible, or out of character, or even mundane? If that is speech sufficient to be potentially covered by the first amendment, it is slander imo. Even parody has to be somewhat distinct from reality to not be slander/libel, why would this be different?