Needs more jpeg
8 hours later it’s now crispy. Jerboa on Android.
Needs more jpeg
8 hours later it’s now crispy. Jerboa on Android.
Notice that they said chat. It this new thing where a language model (GPT) formulates the search queries and summarizes them to provide an answer.
Wow, you heard it straight from the source:
AI can be fairly easy to democratize. The bleeding edge language models created two years ago with large effort are available today as open source projects. It’s difficult for companies to create long term business cases because of that.
By designing a model of iphone with replaceable battery, of course.
I love that scene! Although does it relate closely to ADHD? It seems like it’s more a series of unfortunate events than a person loosing focus.
Or perhaps this could be integrated with one of the Lemmy apps as a backend.
I’d love to! This is Lenny
Yeah, entertainment is taking priority over relationship. NTA. Also possible red flag.
On a side note the whole fediverse desperately needs solid moderation tools to handle it’s growth.
They will make sure no other client is able to read their content.
Same here. I’ve had increased exposure to us politics and culture from reddit. Now I’m getting decoupled and this made me realize the scale of that.
I guess people are worried about Meta pulling some moves out of Embrace, Expand, Extinguish playbook.
“Przez ostatnie tygodnie przed wjazdem na most codziennie ciągnęły się kilometrami kolejki samochodów Rosjan, którzy jechali na wakacje.” Ciekawe jestem jak ta sytuacja wygląda w szczegółach. Ludzie jadą na okupowany teren jak gdyby nigdy nic nie czując ryzyka? Przecież bez tego mostu mają bardzo słabe szansę na ewakuację i wakacje mogą łatwo zamienić się w koszmar.