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Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Is it possible that she’s rebelling because she - in her mind - got ripped away from friends? Maybe she’s also overwhelmed?

    I would say you definitely have the trigger point in mind then. Who knows what else is going on in the new school that you as a parent don’t get to know easily?

    I can only think how I’d go over it with my daughter, so this might not work for you. I would leave the matter of the meds to the side for any discussion for a little bit. Figure out the rest of her circumstances first, then reintroduce the meds once she feels understood again. This can also be very soon. Just don’t make the talks about the meds for now. Again, I don’t have experience with PDA but if you push too much too often it can be counterproductive even before factoring that in.

    You will most likely have to get a new prescription for the strattera as well, as going from zero back to full will be problematic. It needs ramping up time with the dosage. Otherwise there will be side effects that might lead to setbacks. That’s personal experience.

  • I can’t really say anything about the autism, I myself am on strattera for ADHD.

    For those meds I can say they have the side effect of making me drowsy/buzzy sometimes. A few hours after taking them. Maybe she has something like that and doesn’t associate it enough to talk about it, but somewhere still feels like she needs to refuse meds because something is going on?

    From a parental view, my daughter had it recently that she suddenly changed her behaviour because of random words from peers in kindergarten. Managed to explain it to her on my end, but it was still tough with a non-autistic but strong headed girl. I don’t know your daughter’s circumstances, etc, but such a sudden change can also come from external sources you aren’t privy to. Maybe she opened up to a kid that then had a strong anti-med stance from its own upbringing? Maybe she was told somewhere that her parents are trying to make her be someone she isn’t - even if it’s not true. Maybe she’s doing it to fit in with that kid/group? Just possibilities.

    I’m not saying it has to be something like that, it could also be something completely random. It’s just another two items on the list of things to possibly ask about.

  • That boundary thing is gonna happen again and again, at least it has with my daughter. Can be very rough. Seems to come in batches as well, so yeah… I can only advise you to try and figure out the best ways to keep cool when it happens. Always keep in mind that it’s natural to try and push boundaries, and try not to punish it while still staying firm.

    Things will get easier, and it might help to write down mini diaries that you can later look back on to put things in perspective. Because it sure won’t always feel like it did.

    I’ve been (more or less successfully) trying to keep a log of happenings every few hours on the phone. Important: try to record small achievements. Focus on the positives. it helps me put things in perspective a) close to when it happens and b) whenever I read back on it. Also reminds me that despite everything, I still manage to keep bread on the table and raise a great kid.

    Example entries:

    1. Tantrum happened, reason: X, calmed down quickly and stayed firm. Remembered to praise for calming down well.
    2. Took out trash
    3. Successful client call
    4. Cleaned kitchen

  • Yeah, I did. The author uses political violence as the term throughout. The problem here is not what the author means but that they’re not directly addressing it in clear terms.

    You had to guess/ask whether I read the article because the headline makes the source of the political violence ambiguous.

    you can bet that an author pointing out a rise on the other side of the political spectrum would not go for muddy terms. This headline seen by a right wing person would just be something they would not click and assume it’s reassuring their fox news world view by a different outlet.

  • Just throwing in that for me it’s been a great first season, and I would’ve loved for it to be even more faithful to the manga.

    If there’s people out there who like me have so far disliked a lot of the libraries taken by earlier adaptations, this might just be the the version for them.

    Overall I’m looking forward to the next season though personally my favourite part, the initial enishi arc, will be after it and I hope they get to that part in a season 3.