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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • What does unlawful sources mean? If you donated to a Russian band a few years ago, you were doing something lawful. Now, it’s unlawful in some parts of the world. Even remittances to your Russian family puts you in question. If you supported certain protests, you can be unlawful, but lawful the next government. Privacy pools only “work” if they are federated because laws throughout the world are not uniform, but being part of the “wrong” federation can make you unlawful. In the end, fear will prevent people from joining, and that fear will spread to the pool developers since at least one federation will do something another country does not like. I’ll fail before it gets started. Just use Monero.

  • Exactly which problem is it trying to solve? If it’s KYC-free purchases, Bitcoin and Monero and Gold/Silver already give you that and unless it has enough mindshare (something that is almost impossible to get even for megapower, see Microsoft vs android and Microsoft vs iPod) this option won’t be available. If it’s privacy, Gold/Silver and Monero gets you that. If it’s traceability but privacy for “legal uses”, CBDCs are supposed to give you that. Note, a big issue today is banks not holding enough reserves and not allowing you to move your money. Tales, by its nature depends on 3rd party custodians thus can be shut down or collapse if the custodian goes out of business or refuses to validate spends. Bitcoin and Monero and Gold/Silver allow for self-custody, ensuring that your money stays your money.

  • Monero won’t help if you told people you have a lot of Monero and so you’d get targeted. Even public Monero figures like Doug Thurman of Monero Talk can claim they have only a little Monero because they actually use it, not HODL it (whether true or not). And having an open block chain coin doesn’t mean you will get caught…the thief could you just use a DEX or atomic swap to avoid KYC. What would help is good OP-sec practices like never revealing how much you have and always having at least one decoy account with only a little XMR…if you get threatened, give that account up.

  • Did we watch the same video? The black hood is more a symbol of Antifa than anything on the right and I didn’t hear any mention of Ukraine but even if I missed it, criticising support for Ukraine has nothing to do with right or left. Both RFK and Trump are on the same side on this as are many anti-war leftists and libertarians. Also, many republicans and democrats support escalating in Ukraine. It’s not a left or right issue.

  • Thanks for your hard work. This is exactly what we need. I really don’t trust hardware wallets.

    Can someone repost the demo video on another site like odysee or peertube or even torrent? I can’t see the the video without signing into telegram and I don’t want to give my personal information (like emails) to any site that I don’t use the app. Hopefully the source code can go on something like the Monero github so the source code can have more eyeballs and more confidence that the source matches the apk. There are anonymous contributors to Monero, so it must be possible to use something like github anonymously.

  • Why couldn’t you engage in the discussion if the comments were mirrored? Yes, it won’t be on reddit but that doesn’t matter if you wanted to ditch reddit and get lemmy comments. Plus, if the above idea about adding automatically posting on reddit (this discussion is continued on monero.town) it would bring more traffic here (unfortunately those posts will likely be deleted). Let me put it to you this way. Option (1) No mirroring posts leaves people forced to watch both reddit and monero.town to get the full picture. The two communities will never merge. Option (2) Mirroring posts and adding the reddit link allows people to look only at monero.town (not reddit) and only clicking on the link if they expect the comments to look interesting. This encourages a “lemmy first” attitude. Option (3) Mirroring posts and comments allows xmrtrader to be mirrored and allows people to stay on lemmy (the link to reddit can be removed). This allows people to ditch reddit and not lose anything.

  • Personally, I think the problem is that comments aren’t moved over as well. The fact that posts are mirrored allows me to look only on this forum for topics of interest rather than look on Reddit (which has more people) then monero.town. I wouldn’t need to look at Reddit at all if the comments are carried over. It wouldn’t have to have instant response, but if comments are mirrored 3-4 times a day on all posts newer than 3 days, that would capture most comments and give people a reason to never look back to Reddit. And the volume of updates is low enough that it should not affect performance. The key reason xmrtrader’s mirror failed is that it is a daily discussion so showing the posts have little value…the posted comments are what really counts.

  • Good. Looking at the rankings, Eth gets an AA rating, Bitcoin Cash gets an A rating and Bitcoin gets a B rating and Monero gets and E rating. That’s all you need to know. But going further, Monero should have a higher or at least as high S and G rating than Bitcoin but it’s much worse. It’s clear what the bias is for this report and it’s not actual ESG.