I’m @froztbyte more or less everywhere that matters

  • 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • the sharing part of it is indeed the thing I give the fewest shits about tbh. things I care more about are software choices and longevity. so, for example, fuck anything js/php - by and large those tend to be unserious software that’ll be a nightmare to run even now, and even worse in time

    I should probably do a bit of a sketchdown of the exact shape of my desires here, if for nothing else than giving direction to whatever I may have to write myself. a friend and I have been mutually grumping about this in chat for a while, because our wants are quite close but also just different enough to bounce ideas off each other

  • the other thing about this that’s often come to mind for me is that the “who” picked in such things tends to be telling of the speaker, and of their perception of “impenetrable”

    relatedly, a somewhat common phrase around this side of the world is/was “it’s greek to me”. I don’t know the history of why it came into public lexicon around here (whether it was imported or grew locally), but been curious.

    which leads to my sidebar and sneer: it’d be nice if it were easier to research things like this, and good god the modern internet makes it hard to do that. holy fuck what a tsunami of dogshit. and then fucking LLMs and openai come around, going “HOLD MY BEER”. le sigh.