Preston Maness ☭

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2022


  • Man, there’s a lot of shit one can criticize Apple for, but planned obsolescence? I’m typing this from my 2012 MacBook Air, which has my iPhone 8 plugged into it that I use for work every day. I don’t upgrade because I don’t have a need to.

    I don’t upgrade because I don’t have a need to.

    You don’t upgrade because you can’t. Apple intentionally locks down its products. And that’s before getting into the numerous lawsuits over battery life and iOS slowdowns.

    Apple is absolutely engaged in planned obsolescence.

  • Then there is the tankie Left, which also started with good intentions but seem to have confuse the recipe-book of slogans and the Party über alles discipline invented in the late 19th century and early 20th century by middle class intellectuals to inspired the near-illiterate masses of the time to create an utopian leftwing world (which didn’t work) with the actual thinking Principles and Intentions from which the rules were made.

    The “tankies” are absolutely not utopian. There was a great big schism about this very question more than a century ago, with Marxists roundly rejecting the utopianism of the libertarian socialists (Anarchists). Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Engels is a good starting point.