The damn thing has been running for over a quarter of a century - almost 30 years. It has more episodes than One Piece. And unlike One Piece, there’s no end in sight. The fact that some voice actors stay on for that long is outstanding.
Fear not, there’s a new Ghosts of Tsushimi in the works.
How to be an honorable woman:
This is what that tenth dentist wants.
If anyone reading this feels suicidal, call 988 immediately. Or go to the website to chat.
Outside of North America, look up your country’s number here.
thinks back to how bad a time Nazi Germany had trying to invade Siberia
I think they need to learn this lesson the hard way.
A little creepy how Zuckerberg now looks a bit like Cumberbatch as Sherlock from 15 years back.
(That Sherlock series is now 15 years old!)
South Carolina 🫡
You hold your sandwiches like this? Weirdo…
Save time and just list Humanity as a threat to everything.
Your sister was still being served cereal bought by her parents in her twenties?
She really gotta have her Pops. (jaws notes)
That’s where all the baby states are made.
I can’t see your bitcoin wallet app, Anon. How am I suppose to launch this game if I can’t see your bitcoin wallet app?
Apps that can’t stand on their own should be deleted, whether it’s nefarious or not.
I’ve see residential roads with frequent speed bumps. That caused a noticeable change.
What? No Magnum 44 marker?
Let me know when they name an aircraft carrier after him.
Then credit them, cowards.