18 year old developer based in Mumbai India.
Irresponsible devs, delayed packages for no reason causing massive issues with ours and quite often invalid site certificates due to neglect. It’s just arch but worse since it uses their repo which delays packages for practically no reason causing aur incompatibilities. Endeavour is a far better distro for beginners (or arch install script) with the exception of it not having pamac preinstalled.
Neon white was super fun, still working in 100% for the good ending.
Very cool! Debating on remaking some heartbeast tutorials for Godot 4 (specifically the prodcederul tile generation with a walker and tilemap to 3d level + optimizations). Curious if people would be interested in that or not though, thoughts?
I found a large amount of the developer / programming reddits died, so I noticed a large difference but a lot of other subs there has been no change so it depends on what you are in.