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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I did read the article, it’s not good. This guy whines about cancel culture, cites a bunch of instances where reactionaries actually harm people, hand waves “well the progressives control Hollywood and have the upper hand in the cancel culture war” which is objectively not true and then claims we should be careful about weaponizing positions economically.

    He argues we should meet in the marketplace of ideas and debate things. And argues that homophobes and racists should not be fired. Go read that article, it’s a doozy.

    The problem with this article is that we have had these discussions. Just because this guy hasn’t participated and hasn’t learned about something doesn’t mean both sides have a point worth discussing.

    There are very good reasons to fire racists and homophobes. In fact, there are laws about discrimination in the workplace that takes the decision out of your hands.

  • That’s entirely fair.

    But I disagree that this isn’t the appropriate post for this discussion. A few weeks ago there was a Jewish synagogue leader murdered which made national news (Samantha Woll). She sounds like she was a beautiful soul and her death is a tragedy. Apparently, it was not a hate crime but standard levels of violence in American society.

    I know why the story was national news. It serves a narrative. That narrative is dangerous. I think that narrative is going to lead us to a very dark place. I think this article is part of that narrative.