We need someone to get rid of mouse acceleration and 60 FPS lock.
We need someone to get rid of mouse acceleration and 60 FPS lock.
Because you take away their safe space. I went through this with every major Firefox redesign. Then i spend several hours trying to reverse the changes through css.
I’m not saying it’s a masterpiece. It carries nostalgic and sentimental value for me. I like it.
Final Fantasy VIII. I want to play it all the time and i wish i could erase the plot from my memory and play it again for the first time.
I wish they would stop with the weird hack&slash/ATB combat. Also, with PC ports they should use standard PC control scheme and menus. And i get it, PC is not big in Japan, but they are selling the games to western audiences.
The soundtrack is a masterpiece. My favourite track by far is The Decisive Battle.
OMG will they give it a rest already.
I’m waiting for them to start quoting The Rules of Acquisition.
Darling in the Franxx. It’s a bit fanservicey, but left me all emotional, which is not an easy task.
I hope they will modernize the controls and camera.
Two party system. They can’t possibly represent everyone’s interests. Feels more like religion to me .
Because the truth hits hard.
Hasta la vista, baby.
Oh yeah. Watched it as a kid, it ignited my love for sci-fi. Flying cars and endless skyscrapers in all directions.
But how do i use the brush then, if the lid is closed? Don’t you use the brush while simultaneously flushing the toilet?
Or they figure out it’s cheaper to burn something to produce CO2 than recycle it from the atmosphere.
I was hoping for a Klingon death metal number throughout the episode. This was probably only opportunity to see something like that.
Along with cancer cures and better batteries.
Do you want Morlocks? Because that’s how you get Morlocks.
We should Streisand the f*** out of them.